Business traineeships are a good option to experiment a first contact with professional world and also complete the academic education of the student. The student will be able to see the real needs of his desired career in the actual job market. Through the business traineeships, the student will learn to take fast decisions and be responsible for their tasks in the company.
Another advantage is, that once the student has completed his stay in the company, there is the possibility to work there or create new professional contacts that can be useful either in his present or in his future. Furthermore, the fact of having done a business traineeship abroad, gives an added value to the CV of the student.
These traineeships require to join a Spanish course too.
You can find your sector among this list:
Bar, restaurant and hotel business
Marketing and online marketing
Customer services
IT and web services
Architecture and design
Renewable energies
Social and mass media
Enterpreneurial associations
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